Benjamin's journey to Jesus
Bogi with Benjamin and Emma on Benjamin’s 80th birthday
Bogi Kozma first met Benjamin, a Jewish poet and philosopher, back in 2019. He was very keen to learn more about God so Bogi began studying God’s Word with him. Due to restrictions last year the studies were postponed but spiritual progress was made once they resumed, as Bogi reports.
Under communist rule in Hungary, Benjamin had a successful career as a manager, was married and taught Philosophy during the summer. However, following political change, he lost his job and was then diagnosed with cancer. After multiple operations, Benjamin overcame the cancer but tragically, following his release from hospital he found out that his wife had left him and he ended up homeless for a time.
When I first met Benjamin, he was off the streets. He had heard the gospel from Christians he met while he was homeless and had some understanding of the Bible but was having difficulty making sense of it. He also had rather unbiblical ideas about some spiritual subjects. As a result, he was very keen to start studying the Scriptures with me.
Unfortunately, shortly after we began, the pandemic hit and we had to put off meeting until restrictions were lifted. When things eased up, Benjamin’s sister Emma also began to join us for the studies.
On Benjamin’s 80th birthday, I invited them both out to celebrate. Once there, I was overjoyed as Benjamin told us that he finally understood how Jesus fitted into God’s plan of redemption but admitted, in a sad tone, that he doesn’t ‘live with God habitually’.
I explained that being a follower of Jesus doesn’t mean you suddenly start living a perfect life and that coming to him isn’t the end of the journey but the beginning. I told Benjamin that if he wanted to begin this journey, he needed to talk directly to Jesus about it.
That is exactly what happened as Benjamin prayed, seeking forgiveness of his sins and professing faith in Jesus as his Messiah and Lord! After years of trying to make sense of the Scriptures, his journey with Jesus has finally begun.
Give thanks for Benjamin’s profession of faith and pray for Bogi as she studies the Scriptures with him. Please also pray for Emma’s salvation.